Historical Registration
Conditions of Use of Scheme Vehicles – Duties of Vehicle Owners
3.5 – In accordance with the Regulations and this Code, the owners of vehicles must abide by the following conditions when operating Scheme registered vehicles. They must:
• Maintain a financial membership of a recognised motor vehicle club at all times;
• Not drive their conditionally registered vehicles on a road or road related area more than 90 days in each period of 12 months registration;
• Not drive their conditionally registered vehicle on a road or road related area unless they have completed the nominated journey in the log book (the log book must be in the format approved by the Registrar for the Scheme) prior to commencement of the journey;
• Carry the conditionally registered vehicle’s log book in the vehicle while driving on a road or road related area and produce the log book for inspection on request made by a police officer or authorised officer under the Act;
• Not drive, or allow anyone else to drive, the conditionally registered vehicle on the road for fee, hire or reward;
• Not drive the conditionally registered vehicle on a road or road related area if it does not comply with this Code;
• Not have more than one current log book for any vehicle;
• While driving on the road or road related area, carry the appropriate vehicle exemption documentation that permits the registration and use of a historic (where applicable), left hand drive or street rod vehicle on roadways;
• Present their vehicles for an inspection upon the request of the club or the Registrar;
• Cancel the conditional registration of the vehicle when a change of ownership of a conditionally registered vehicle occurs or when they are no longer a financial member of a club. The log book issued for the vehicles must be returned to the issuing club for cancellation.
Vehicle Owners’ Log Book Requirements, Maintaining Club Membership and Other Conditions
3.6 – Vehicle owners must ensure records for each journey undertaken in a conditionally registered vehicle are listed in the log book issued by the recognised motor vehicle club. The date of the journey and a brief description of the journey must be recorded before each journey commences.
3.7 – A journey for the purposes of log book recording may consist of one or more separate trips. However a journey the commences at 10.00pm on a particular day and finishes at 2.00am the next day constitutes two calendar days as each day commences at midnight, two separate days use must be recorded in the log book.
3.8 – A ‘journey’ for the purposes of the Scheme does not include driving the vehicle for short distances (within 500 metres) for the purpose of relocating the vehicle from one part of a property to another, or enabling another vehicle to gain access to a road or property.
3.9 – Vehicle owners who change membership from one recognised motor vehicle club to another, must return the log book issued in respect of the vehicle to the issuing club. A new MR334 Scheme application form must be issued by the new club’s authorised person before a new log book can be issued by the new club.